Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act

What you need to know about the MNCDPA:

To Whom Does MNCDPA Apply?

MNCDPA applies to entities that are not small businesses as defined by the United States Small Business Administration and that:

  1. Conduct business in Minnesota or produce products or services targeted to residents of Minnesota (consumers), and 
  2. Annually (during a calendar year) control or process the PI of either:
    1. At least 100,000 consumers, excluding personal information used solely for completing payment transactions; or
    2. At least 25,000 consumers and derive more than 25% of gross revenue from the sale of personal information.

Note: Under the MNCDPA small businesses may not sell sensitive PI without consent.

When Does MNCDPA NOT Apply?

Exempt Entities: Minnesota offers limited entity-level exemptions, including:

  • State government entities;
  • Federally recognized Native American tribes;
  • A state or federally chartered bank or credit union, or an affiliate or subsidiary that is principally engaged in financial activities;
  • Certain insurers;
  • Small businesses, as defined by the United States Small Business Administration so long as they do not engage in the sale of sensitive PI without the consumer’s consent;
  • Nonprofits who detect and prevent insurance fraud;
  • Certain air-carriers

Exempt Data: Minnesota also offers limited data-level exemptions, including:

  • Protected health information covered under HIPAA and processed by a covered entity or business associate;
  • GLBA-covered data;
  • Various federally and internationally protected health and patient information, including that protected by the Common Rule, human subject data, and more;
  • Various forms of credit data regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act; and
  • Data covered by a wide variety of other federal laws including Family Educational Rights, Farm Credit Act, and Privacy Act, and Driver’s Privacy Protection Act.

Exempt Use Cases: MNCDPA is not applicable in some circumstances, such as:

  • Processing PI in an employment or commercial (B2B) context;
  • Processing PI for emergency contact purposes; and
  • Processing PI of another individual in relation to the provision of benefits.

In addition, MNCDPA specifies that its law should not be construed to restrict a business’s collection, use, or retention of PI for:

  • Conducting internal research for development, improvement, and repair of products, services, and technology (R&D);
  • Product recalls;
  • Identifying and repairing technical errors that impair existing or intended functionality; and
  • Performing internal operations.

Key Components of MNCDPA

What Constitutes Personal Information under MNCDPA?

The MNCDPA covers “personal data,” also called personal information or PI, which is defined as “any information that is linked or reasonably linkable to an identified or identifiable person.”

The definition exempts de-identified and information made publicly available by government records, the media, or the consumer.

What Constitutes Sensitive PI?

Minnesota’s definition of sensitive PI consists of:

  • Racial or ethnic origin;
  • Religious beliefs;
  • Mental or physical condition or diagnosis;
  • Sex life or sexual orientation;
  • Citizenship or immigration status;
  • PI about a known child;
  • Precise geolocation data; or
  • Genetic or biometric data processed for identification purposes.

While not technically sensitive data, Minnesota includes a unique anti-discrimination provision mandating that a controller shall not process PI on the basis of a variety of characteristics about a consumer such that it would discriminate in the availability of housing, employment, credit, or education; or the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of any place of public accommodation.

Any Other Categories of Data I Should Think About?

Where a controller processes de-identified data, Minnesota requires it to take reasonable measures to ensure the data cannot be associated with an individual, publicly commit to maintaining such data without an attempt to re-identify it, and contractually obligate any recipients of the data to comply with the MNCDPA.

Minnesota also exempts pseudonymous data from access, correction, and deletion rights requests where the controller can show it keeps information that would allow the data to be re-identified separately and subject to technical and organizational controls that prevent its use for re-identification.

Is Consent Needed to Process Sensitive Data?

In a word: YES!

Is Consent Needed for Any Other Processing?

Parental consent is required to collect and process PI from a known child (under 13) in accordance with COPPA. Consent of minors between 13 and 16 is required for the sale of their PI and to use it for targeted advertising.

Consent is also required for secondary use of information that is not necessary or compatible with the purpose for collection and hasn’t been noticed to the consumer.

What Needs to Be Included in the Privacy Notice?

The notice must be conspicuous and when posted online on the homepage of the company’s website (where applicable) with a hyperlinked “Privacy.” The notice must be provided in all languages in which an organization provides a product or service and be reasonably accessible to individuals with disabilities.


A privacy notice must include:

  • Categories of PI processed;
  • Purpose for processing PI;
  • Consumer rights including methods to exercise privacy rights and appeal a rights decision;
  • Categories of PI sold or shared with third parties;
  • Categories of third parties with which PI is sold or shared;
  • Controller’s contact information;
  • A description of the controller’s retention policies for PI;
  • Provide a clear and conspicuous method to effectuate opt-out request;
  • The date the notice was last updated.

Somewhat unique to Minnesota, when a controller makes a material change to their privacy notice or practices, they must notify affected consumers about the changes and provide an opportunity to withdraw consent for further use of their data. Controllers must take reasonable electronic measures to ensure notification reaches the affected consumers.

What Constitutes Sale of PI?

Minnesota defines “sale” to include exchange for monetary or other valuable consideration.

There are limits on the definition of “sale” to ensure that certain business functions are not unintentionally impeded by this law. Examples of activities deemed not to be a sale include: the disclosure of PI to provide a product or service requested by the consumer, disclosure of PI intentionally made public, and the disclosure of PI as part of a merger.

How Will the MNCDPA be enforced?

The Attorney General (AG) has sole enforcement authority. The AG may bring an enforcement action after providing 30 days’ notice and an opportunity for the business to cure the alleged violation(s); the cure period ends January 31, 2026. Penalties may include injunctive relief (the company must immediately stop certain behaviors) and/or fines of up to $7,500.

Data Privacy is Just Good Business